What is hot rolled stainless steel ?

Views: 566 Author: 超级管理员 Publish Time: Origin: 本站


Stainless steel is versatile and stylish. It is the preferential choice for most of the surrounded applications and industries.but about the hot rolled stainless steel , can you tell me what you know ?

Now let me introduce the hot rolled stainless steel

In hot rolling processing, stainless steel is rolled and pressed above the re-crystallization temperature. The temperature is around 1100°C. Heating above re-crystallization temperatures refines the grains of microstructure and enhances the mechanical properties. At this point, stainless steel can be formed and shaped easily.

The processing starts with a large rectangular piece of metal called a billet. It is heated and rolled. Then the rolled metal is exposed to high temperature and continuously runs through rollers at high speeds.

Hot rolling enhances stainless steel features such as toughness, ductility, formability, and weldability. Stainless steel shrinks a little as it cools. The accuracy of intolerances and shapes are compromised in hot rolled stainless steel products. Scaling can be deal with sandblasting and pickling.

Hot rolled stainless steel is advised to use in applications where precision and dimensions are not a major concern.

More about hot rolled stainless steel imformation, pls follow :www.grandstainless.com


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