Vibration Finish Sheet

What is vibration finishing ? Vibratory finishing is a polishing technique that creates a swirling pattern on a stainless steel surface. This polishing technique is used for a variety of products, and is especially popular for building materials today. The features of vibration finish stainless steel sheet Vibration is a multi-directional finish. It is also known by the names Non-Directional Satin and Angel Hair. Vibration has a uniform texture with random, multi-directional grit lines. To ensure the highest degree of consistency, this brushed steel is inspected to a visual standard. Vibration has a uniform texture with random, multi-directional grit lines with highest degree of consistency, which was also known by the names Non-directional Satin and Angel Hair. Vibration is becoming one of the most popular surface finishes because of its non-direction and high-density scratch reacting in creditable fine texture. Application of vibration finish stainless steel sheet In kitchens and countertops, stainless steel is often given a mirror finish in order to make it look nicer. However, the vibratory finish is a finish that adds patterns to the surface, giving the design a three-dimensional feel. As a result, it has the effect of making scratches less noticeable, and is often used for stainless steel in elevators. However, since scratches are more noticeable with a thinly polished stainless steel vibration finish, we recommend a stainless steel vibration finish with a deeper polish than a standard vibration finish when purchasing products. Vibration creates a swirling pattern on a metal surface.

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